About Eric Roberts
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But we are proud to say that Eric Roberts contributed 59 entries already.
Entries by Eric Roberts
Yellowing Leaves
/in Plant pests/by Eric RobertsYellowing Leaves Yellowing Leaves So, here in the UK we are at last enjoying some warm sunny weather. Ironically, this is the time to keep your eyes open for the tell tale signs of your plants leaves “yellowing”. Change of climate and temperature is one of the things that can effect your plants and witnessing […]
Tap or Rain Water
/in Plant Nutrients/by Eric RobertsTap or Rain Water Tap or Rain Water So in my mind, this is a no-brainer. However, collecting rainwater can be difficult for many people. The internet is awash with companies selling water collection tanks. Coincidentally, I’m looking at a good product from a Lincolnshire company, “Enduramaxx” for yet another storage tank. This will be […]
Foliar Feeding or Not
/in Plant Nutrients/by Eric RobertsFoliar Feeding Foliar Feeding So, the truth is that I have only tried foliar feeding once, and that was earlier this year. Because I write this blog for a well-known hydroponic store here in Yorkshire (I now write out of my own interest in gardening, including hydroponics), I often get free samples to test. So […]
Conventional or Hydroponic growing methods
/in Growing Systems/by Eric RobertsConventional or Hydroponic Conventional or Hydroponic So, because I am an old style gardener, then this dilemma has come to me at a late age. Excitingly, though then I have decided to “raise the gauntlet” and take on the challenge of growing hydroponically. Because of the terribly bad cold start to the gardening year then […]
Growing Strawberries using Hydroponics
/in growing strawberries/by Eric RobertsGrowing Strawberries using Hydroponics Growing Strawberries using Hydroponics This time of year is synonymous with growing sweet, ripe and succulent strawberries. In my opinion it probably the most liked fruit in the UK. So, it is certainly mine and I have already started the ball rolling by buying some bare rooted plants from the famous […]
The Kratky system
/in Airflow, Growing Systems/by Eric RobertsThe Kratky system The Kratky system So here we are at the beginning of May 2021. This is important to me because it is my birthday on the 6th. Consequently, I can also remember the weather in that particular week. Traditionally the early may weather is hot and sunny. Unfortunately, according to the forecasters then […]
BioGreen Products
/in Plant Nutrients/by Eric RobertsBioGreen Products BioGreen Products When I require anything for my own personnel use when gardening then I visit my closest Hydrostore which is the Leeds store very closely followed by the Wakefield store. Importantly all the Hydrostore shops offer a great range of products for all types of growing whether indoor or out doors. So, […]
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- Airflow
- Cacti
- Garden growing
- Garden Tools
- Grow Room Heaters
- Growing herbs,basil
- growing in cold weather
- growing in hot weather,
- growing in hot weather,
- Growing Media
- growing strawberries
- Growing Systems
- growing tomatoes
- iron deficiency
- Lighting
- Nutrients
- Plant Nutrients
- Plant pests
- Propagation
- sprouting seeds
- Uncategorised