Entries by Eric Roberts

Conventional or Hydroponic growing methods

Conventional or Hydroponic Conventional or Hydroponic So, because I am an old style gardener, then this dilemma has come to me at a late age. Excitingly, though then I have decided to “raise the gauntlet” and take on the challenge of growing hydroponically. Because of the terribly bad cold start to the gardening year then […]

Peat to be Banned – For All Plant Growers

Peat to be Banned Peat to be Banned So the government in their wisdom have finally decided to put a time limit on the total ban of using peat. Of course peat has been the central material for all growers and gardeners. Especially for the making of compost. In the past few years then garden […]

Is May Warming Up!

Is May Warming Up! Is May Warming Up! So, as I have mentioned many times 2021 has become one of the coldest on record. Importantly, gardeners and all growers of plants need the weather to be warming up as we get into the month of May. Consequently, I am writing this article half way through […]

Growing Strawberries using Hydroponics

Growing Strawberries using Hydroponics Growing Strawberries using Hydroponics This time of year is synonymous with growing sweet, ripe and succulent strawberries. In my opinion it probably the most liked fruit in the UK. So, it is certainly mine and I have already started the ball rolling by buying some bare rooted plants from the famous […]

The Kratky system

The Kratky system The Kratky system So here we are at the beginning of May 2021. This is important to me because it is my birthday on the 6th. Consequently, I can also remember the weather in that particular week. Traditionally the early may weather is hot and sunny. Unfortunately, according to the forecasters then […]

BioGreen Products

BioGreen Products BioGreen Products When I require anything for my own personnel use when gardening then I visit my closest Hydrostore which is the Leeds store very closely followed by the Wakefield store. Importantly all the Hydrostore shops offer a great range of products for all types of growing whether indoor or out doors. So, […]

Beginner Peppers

Beginner Peppers Beginner Peppers Hi here is my second Hydrostore blog for the month of April 2021. Once again there are many things that I am learning on my into the world of growing without soil, hydroponics! So if tomatoes are my favourite salad crop then peppers are certainly my second. Peppers provide a massive […]

Long Winter in 2021

Long Winter in 2021 Long Winter in 2021 So, this year has been a long cold winter. Especially for us growers who should be getting growing around this time of year. My own situation is that I have a heated greenhouse for my citrus trees. However it is too cold to move them outside onto […]

Starting my Seeds in Rockwool

Starting my Seeds in Rockwool Starting my Seeds in Rockwool As I write this post we are at the back end of March 2021. The winter here in the North of England has been on the cool side with the odd milder day. Much different to last year when we had only a couple of […]

Growing Basil

Growing Basil Growing Basil So basil is an important herb that we now use in many types of cooking. Unfortunately, I must confess that I not a fan of this important plant. During my learning curb of growing by using hydroponics systems then it is probably the most important herb to grow! There are many […]