A Fertiliser Revolution

A Fertiliser Revolution

A Fertiliser Revolution

This is great news for all plant and garden lovers. Especially in the UK. With the recent discovery of millions of tonnes of an organic fertiliser called polyhalite,.

A revolution is taking root in the heart of North Yorkshire, a transformation that will reshape the global plant-growing industry. This revolution revolves around polyhalite, a little-known but extremely important mineral. A new polyhalite production plant is sprouting, promising unprecedented global green thumb.

So, what’s all the fuss about polyhalite?

Polyhalite is a naturally occurring mineral fertiliser. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur are all important nutrients for plant growth. A rare find that combines these essential nutrients in a single package. It’s no surprise that it’s known as the “four-in-one” fertiliser.

The new polyhalite production plant in North Yorkshire is about more than just that. It all comes down to meeting a critical need in the global agriculture industry: safe, sustainable, and efficient plant nutrition solutions. Let’s take a look at how.

Why Is Polyhalite Important?

Plants, like humans, require proper nutrition to grow strong and healthy. The right nutrients at the right time can make or break your health. Polyhalite ensures that distinction. This mineral is completely natural, environmentally friendly, and effective. It gradually releases nutrients over time, providing plants with a well-balanced diet. It does not burn or harm plants, as some synthetic fertilisers do, making it a safe bet for growers all over the world.

Feeding the World’s Fields- A Fertiliser Revolution

The North Yorkshire plant will establish the United Kingdom as a leading polyhalite producer capable of feeding the world’s fields. Its unique location has an abundance of polyhalite deposits, allowing for large-scale production. The plant can meet rising demand, providing a much-needed boost to agriculture. It is a game changer for the plant-growing industry, providing a consistent supply of this nutrient-rich mineral.

Influence on the Global Stage

This development’s global significance cannot be overstated. This new polyhalite source will greatly benefit the global plant-growing industry. It’s a giant step towards ensuring global food security and agricultural sustainability. It is not only about greener pastures, but also about feeding the future in a sustainable manner.

The Foundation of Sustainability

The plant is a shining example of environmentally friendly practices. It emphasises environmentally friendly production methods that have a low environmental impact. So it’s not just a matter of producing more; it’s also a matter of producing responsibly. The North Yorkshire plant sets the standard for environmentally conscious plant-growing production.

Increasing the Local and Global Economies-A Fertiliser Revolution

This plant will have an impact on both the local and global economies, in addition to agriculture. It will generate jobs, attract investment, and stimulate economic growth. It’s a win-win situation for the local community, the UK, and the global plant-growing industry.

In essence, the North Yorkshire polyhalite production plant is a beacon of hope and progress for the global plant-growing industry. It represents the power of innovation and sustainability in addressing some of agriculture’s most pressing challenges. It demonstrates that when nature and technology work together, the world becomes a much greener place.

The new North Yorkshire plant is more than just a polyhalite producer. It’s a symbol of long-term progress, a new chapter in global agriculture, and a giant step towards a greener, more nourished world. So, here’s to North Yorkshire polyhalite fueling plant growth in the future.

Hydroponics Winter Basics

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Hydroponics Winter Basics

Hydroponics Winter Basics

Winter is now upon us in the northern hemisphere. Here in West Yorkshire, we have already experienced several frosts and a snowstorm. thus making it impossible to do any outdoor gardening.

Most plants that are hardy have already closed down for their winter break. The deciduous trees have lost their leaves, and only the conifers still have green leaves. In my case, my lemons and other citrus fruit are sitting happily in their cosy greenhouse, together with LED lighting to lengthen our dark winter days.

So, indoor hydroponic growers can experience temperature fluctuations during very cold spells of weather. Roots are very intolerant of temperature changes. Changes in growth can make significant changes to the growth rate if the temperature is allowed to drop below 19 °C. So at this temperature, the plant’s root zone could easily be damaged. The growth begins to slow, and the outside of the root can be damaged.

Even plants in the right zone can be harmed by the cold.

Why do plants suffer from cold

The causes of this are numerous and depend on the location, soil, length of the cold, and other elements. Depending on the type of plant and the aforementioned criteria, different plants respond differently to cold. The USDA’s recommendations for plant hardiness are simply that—recommendations.

A plant’s real hardiness will vary depending on its microclimate, exposure, water and nutrient uptake, and general health. There are several reasons why cold might harm plants, but we’ll focus on the most obvious ones.
A plant’s health and hardiness are impacted by every circumstance that it encounters.

Plants that aren’t getting enough water may droop and even die. Negative plant health can also result from too many or too little nutrients. In a similar manner, meteorological conditions can harm a plant’s vitality. Plants are damaged by the freezing of their cells, which also obstructs the movement of water and nutrients.

Many experts believe that the ideal root temperature is between 20 and 21 degrees Celsius. So, to enable the plants to absorb nutrients correctly, Providing a nutrient solution that is strong enough to stimulate new growth is important for the development of a healthy plant. Keeping good oxygen levels and content is imperative for good results.

Concrete floors can be a problem

When writing this blog,

I was thinking primarily about temperature variations in a building with concrete floors. We all know about the cold feeling we get when we walk inside a building with a concrete floor. Particularly in the winter. So, if plants are grown under these conditions, then there is likely to be a large temperature variation. This could be overlooked when starting out your growing season in the spring.

Even a small garage used for growing will suffer variations in temperature in the winter. As a result, many growers use some type of rubber mat to help insulate their precious crop. Personally, I would raise the plants off the floor to prevent them from getting “cold feet” and ruining the crop at a later stage.

Cold can also affect the temperature of the water tank used to mix and provide the nutrients. Growing rooms must be well insulated so the air temperature does not change significantly in a cold spell. As I previously stated, the 19th century standard should not be compromised. Your plants will be open to attacks from many pests and diseases. The weaker your hydroponics plant is, the more likely it is to have been attacked.

Of course, all this will lead to a poor crop and disappointment. So prepare for winter by making your plants as cosy as possible to avoid disappointment and a poor harvest. Heaters are the answer!


Iron Deficiency in Plants

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Iron Deficiency in Plants

Iron Deficiency in Plants

Of course iron deficiency can effect many types of plants. In the past it has been common in my tomato plants. So, the most helpful sign of this condition is called “leaf chlorosis”. This is easy to spot as the leaves will turn yellow and the leaves veins will remain green.

Starting on the new leaves that emerge the symptoms then start to spread to the older leaves and they begin to turn a yellow colour. This can then turn to the leaves dropping off all together. Coupled with poor growth of the plant. Strangely the condition is not caused by a lack of iron in the soils, but the failure of the plant to take it up. Hence due to the following reasons.

Iron chlorosis in plants is normally cause by one of four reasons.

Your soils Ph is too high

This is relatively easy to rectify. you can purchase a simple PH tester kit online. Soil Ph levels of 7 or above will restrict your plant from getting the iron available to tin the soil. Vitalink “Ph Down” is a great product for lowering the Ph and helping your plant to take up the required iron levels.

Too heavy clay soil

Most gardeners know all about the benefits of a clay soil. However some areas have realy heavy clay soil deposits. Although rich in minerals and vitamins then realy heavy clay make it difficult to be absorbed by plants. Including iron !

Living and gardening here in West Yorkshire UK has always brought its problems with clay soil. Gardens on new build sites very often have a sprinkling of top soil places directly on top of a thick layer of clay. So, making a nice garden virtually impossible without tons of organic material. Hence the addition of organic matter will be beneficial for the plants to take up iron. Clay soils are probably the richest soils once cultivated with added compost.

Very damp and wet soil

Of course this follows on from the last problem. Because clay soils are also wet and damp soils. Of course until well cultivated and free draining. Wet and damp soils are easy and often compacted. making it difficult once again for the plant to take up iron. So, if your garden is permanently compacted then there are few options available. Your plants can be foliar sprayed, or you can use a good soil supplement and even use the addition of chelated iron. These treatments can help plants take up the iron levels that they require.

Too much phosphorous in the soil

Strangely, too much phosphorous can prevent the intake of iron by the plant. Studying this then the main reason for this is the over use fertilizers containing phosphorous. So, the simple answer would be to use a fertilizer with lower amounts of phosphorous to balance the soils out and allow the plant to take up the iron that is required.

However it must be stressed that phosphorous is extremely import to plant growth and development. Of course for indoor growing then products are available to maintain the correct balance of nutrients in your plants. All are available online at Hydrostore West Yorkshire.

Tap or Rain Water

Tap or Rain Water

Tap or Rain Water

So in my mind, this is a no-brainer. However, collecting rainwater can be difficult for many people. The internet is awash with companies selling water collection tanks. Coincidentally, I’m looking at a good product from a Lincolnshire company, “Enduramaxx” for yet another storage tank. This will be my third plastic tank!

There are also various connectors for connecting your guttering downpipe to a water tank. However, I do understand the ease of being able to just turn on your tap and water the plants. Importantly, rain water and tap water are very different in content. So, in most places, tap water will not harm your precious plants. However, rainwater is good for your plants and better than tap water.

Of course, one of the major components of chlorophyll is nitrogen. This is the green colour in plants that soak up the sunlight and use its energy to produce sugars from carbon dioxide and water. So, most gardeners and growers know this as “photosynthesis.” This is the basis for sustaining most plants’ life processes. Plants’ leaves will turn yellow if they lack nitrogen, as I mentioned in my previous post. So, eventually, wither up and die!

6 good reasons to use rainwater in your garden

There are several good reasons to use rainwater in your garden:

  1. Rainwater is free and readily available, especially in areas with high rainfall.
  2. Rainwater is naturally soft, which means it is less likely to leave behind mineral deposits that can build up over time in soil, pots, and containers.
  3. Rainwater is generally high in oxygen, which can help plants grow healthier and more vigorously.
  4. Using rainwater helps to conserve drinking water, which is especially important in areas with drought conditions or water shortages.
  5. Rainwater is more environmentally friendly than using tap water, as it does not require energy to be pumped and treated.
  6. Using rainwater can save you money on your water bill, as you will be using a free, naturally occurring resource instead of relying on your municipal water supply.

Unfortunately, our water treatment plants take out as much nitrate as possible.

Because high levels of nitrate can be dangerous to young children. Plants cannot access nitrogen directly, relying on “nitrogen fixation.” where nitrogen in the air is converted to “ammonia” and related compounds found in the soil.

Importantly, nitrogen fixation is carried out by microorganisms found in the soil. Accordingly, the root hairs of a plant is invaded by nitrogen fixing bacteria’s. So, stimulating the formation of root nodules. Inside the nodules then bacteria converts free nitrogen into ammonia aiding the host plant for its development.

Astonishingly, the lightning that we see in a regular thunderstorm can generate nitrogen compounds. These mix with the water and oxygen in our atmosphere. The relating rain that falls contains high levels of ammonium and nitrates. So, thunderstorms are of great benefit for outdoor plants or for collecting the water for watering at another time. Of course, not only watering but also topping up the plant with nitrogen are important.

Rain water the best long time option

Rainwater is different depending on where we live. When I’m travelling, I can tell the difference between different bodies of water. In fact, locally, I can tell the difference between my local tap water and the water at my Halifax business. The latter is the most delicious! This will also apply to plants. Tap water differs in acidity, and once again, a ph. test is well worth carrying out on your relative soil. Generally, though, tap water will be on the alkaline side. Of course, this is on the high side for many plant species.

In recent years, we have had TV ads advising us to save our dirty water for the garden! Thus saving our clean tap water. This is known as grey water! So, usually containing detergents and soap. This mix has an even higher ph, elevating it up to a 9 or 10 score on the ph. scale.

On the other hand, as the rainwater falls to earth, the water droplets absorb carbon dioxide. Rain also collects certain minerals on its way down to earth. As a result, the water has a slightly acidic ph. The acid rain finally reaches our gardens’ soil and aids in the release of micronutrients. including zinc, iron, and copper. important for the plant’s development and, therefore, good growth.

In my research and opinion, it is the collected rainfall that comes first. benefitting the plants with absorbed nitrogen and minerals. However, there are times when I have to use tap water, but in general, I save rainwater in water butts.

 Please check us out we are now in the top 20 Hydroponics blogs.

Foliar Feeding or Not

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Foliar Feeding

Foliar Feeding

So, the truth is that I have only tried foliar feeding once, and that was earlier this year. Because I write this blog for a well-known hydroponic store here in Yorkshire (I now write out of my own interest in gardening, including hydroponics), I often get free samples to test. So I started to feed a couple of my lemon trees with a foliar feed. The plants are growing well, but so are the others. As a result, no true comparisons can be made with the pot-fed plants.

Many hydroponic gardeners are apparently now using foliar food techniques. Of course, the leaves can easily absorb the nutrients, just as soil feeding can. So, for growers who are not sure, I will try and make some observations in this post.

6 good reasons to foiler feed your plants

  1. Improved nutrient uptake: Foliar feeding allows plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently through their leaves, rather than just relying on the roots. This can be particularly useful for plants that are experiencing nutrient deficiencies or for plants that are growing in poor soil.
  2. Faster results: Foliar feeding can produce results more quickly than traditional soil-based feeding because the nutrients are absorbed directly by the plant. This can be especially beneficial if a plant is struggling and needs an immediate boost.
  3. Easier application: Foliar feeding is relatively easy to do and requires fewer materials than traditional soil-based feeding. All you need is a spray bottle or garden sprayer and the nutrient solution you want to apply.
  4. Can be used as a supplement: Foliar feeding can be used in addition to traditional soil-based feeding as a way to supplement a plant’s nutrient intake. This can be particularly useful for plants that are heavy feeders or that are growing in a soil that is nutrient-poor.
  5. Can be used to target specific nutrients: Foliar feeding allows you to target specific nutrients that a plant may be lacking. For example, if a plant is showing signs of a calcium deficiency, you can apply a calcium-rich foliar feed to address the problem.
  6. Can help to prevent nutrient imbalances: Foliar feeding can help to prevent nutrient imbalances in the soil by allowing plants to absorb the nutrients they need directly through their leaves. This can help to prevent problems such as nutrient lockout, which occurs when a plant is unable to access certain nutrients in the soil due to an excess of other nutrients.

Foliar Feeding, What is it!

Of course, plants use their leaves to take in moisture and absorb gases. enabling the leaves to take in and absorb a nutrient solution supplied by the grower or gardener. The nutrients take in the feed through the leaves’ pores. So, this makes the leaves an excellent place to enhance the growth of the plant and improve the size of the plant’s crop. Accordingly, plants are best sprayed with a nutrient spray in the early stages of growth. Another advantage is that the spray can also be used to aid the growth of your sick and ill plants. aiding recovery at a faster rate than, say, foiler feeding.

Of course, in my opinion, foliar feeding should be restricted to small growers. Subsequently, the growers of larger crop quantities, such as farmers, cannot have any chemicals on their plants. There may be a problem with pollution on the vegetation for human consumption before the crop is harvested.

Even in a small grower’s crop, the plants should be cleaned before being eaten. Especially when supplemented with foliar feed. Another option is that root feeding can take over from foliar feeding about a month before harvesting.

So, there is no doubt that feeding plants through the soil or growing medium is the most popular way. Regular composts will contain the correct nutrients to give your young plants a good start in life. After that, you can just add organic nutrients to the plant’s pot .

Either by mulching with well rotted animal manure or adding feed in the correct quantities via watering. Importantly, I use an hydronic system by using a large plastic water tank and adding the correct dosage of “CX Hydro Base A and B” to the water. Of course there are hundreds of brands and nutrient types that the grower can use.

My problem with feeding, whatever method I use, is that I am not good at a regular feeding regime. So, I am a bit hit and miss when it comes to regular feeding. My wife says that I should write things down! However, I always seem to get a decent crop with whatever I grow. So I must be doing something right, or am I just lucky?

Finally, I don’t believe there is a best way to feed! So, it’s up to the grower to try the different methods of feeding. The main thing is the correct dosage and the correct time to apply the feed.

Please do not forget that there is going to be a ban on using “Peat” as a mulch and other substitutes such a Coco products.

BioGreen Products

BioGreen Products

BioGreen Products

When I require anything for my own personnel use when gardening then I visit my closest Hydrostore which is the Leeds store very closely followed by the Wakefield store. Importantly all the Hydrostore shops offer a great range of products for all types of growing whether indoor or out doors. So, on my first visit to the Leeds store then I was amazed at the quantity of different products that are available to the growers of almost anything.

Indeed the shelves were full of exotic sounding nutrients and plant foods. Of course there were many familiar things for sale that are used by most gardeners. As I have said then I was amazed by the selection and have taken up to challenge myself! This is to learn and write more about the wealth of products on offer to all kinds of gardeners.

Starting off with the BioGreen Range

I will be starting off with the BioGreen products. Simply because I like the particular design of the product labels along with the little green tree frog on the image. Interestingly, the BioGreen product range of nutrients offers a choice of two base systems. Including three optional supplements and six additives. Probably making this an easy system to use whilst at the same time giving the plants a top class nutrient to thrive on.

Looking at the product, I can see that the mixing method is not going to be as complicated as other brands of similar things. While browsing I did notice that some brands had many different bottles claiming each one was a benefit to maximum plant growth and development. However, BioGreen look to have simplified this by development their products with quality in mind.

Many plant compounds cannot be blended

As we know plants require many different compounds! These could include, many things such as Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobacteria, Carbohydrates, Amino acids, Vitamins and many types of enzymes. So the clever scientists at the BioGreen labs have come up with a streamlined method of adding many of these things into their product range. Due to an excellent line up to cover all the necessary ingredients.

Of course “BioGreen Grow 1” is a high-quality NPK based fertiliser specifically developed to maximize your plants’ genetic potential during the vegetative and early flowering stage. Therefore this top quality fertilizer can be used for most types of plants. So, to enable a good start with maximum root growth then “Grow 1″contains enough phosphorus to initiate explosive root formation, giving the new plants a great start to life.

Like all types of nutrients please follow the instructions for the correct dosage. Importantly, as with many types of nutrients, it’s best practise to offer it in gradually increasing doses. Of course I will be trialling it on some of my hydroponic growths. So I will probably apply daily by using my plastic water tank. Urgently, like most other chemical fertilizer products, always be careful not to overdose!

BioGreen Bloom 2

So, this excellent product. BioGreen 2 is also a suitable fertilizer for use in all soil types and hydroponic use. Containing many of the micro and micro -nutrients required for full top growth and flowering of your plant. Of course this product is best switched to when the plants reach the flowering stage. This product is made from the purest materials and is totally taken up by your plants.

Because, BioGreen Bloom 2 visibly improves the condition of the flowers and fruits and helps instigate an explosion in blooming. I cant wait to start using this on my citrus trees to improve blossoming and fruit set. This product is available in Availability: 250ml, 1ltr, 5ltr and 10ltr size bottles.

BioGreen Hydro A+B

Thirdly we have “BioGreen Hydro A&B” is a two-part base nutrient made for use from the start of the vegetative phase until the end of the flowering stage. The product also comprises a wide range of micro and macro-nutrients for strong plant development. I am used to using A and B mixes from my experience in using a similar product on last years greenhouse tomato crop, producing excellent size fruit with a plentiful supply. As with many such products it is best practise to add “part A” to the water tank first mixing very well before adding the “part B” and also mixing the solution very vigorously.

  1. The product is a two-part base nutrient. Part A comprises an NPK ratio of 4.3-0-0. Part B has an NPK ratio of 0.6-5.2-5.7;
  2. The formulas are made for the vegetative stage and the flowering stage;
  3. The product is suitable for dripper and irrigation systems;
  4. It’s designed for all growing medias

BioGreen Supplements

BioGreen X-Rooting is a highly concentrated organic root stimulator containing humic acids, minerals and beneficial bacteria. Helping to preserve and balance the plant’s metabolic processes. Thus increasing the absorption of mineral nutrients by improving nutrient uptake.

BioGreen Calmag

Calmag is a high quality fully soluble additive containing a high dose of nitrogen, calcium and magnesium. Enhancing, the quality of your water and are essential to stimulate plant growth. Hence, from early vegging right through to the flush.

BioGreen PK 13/14

BioGreen PK 13/14 is of course is a highly effective potassium and phosphorus additive. Supporting, the plants during the critical stages of flowering

BioGreen X-Blast

So, “BioGreen X-Blast” is a highly potent late-flowering PK additive. Creating, maximisation of your plant’s performance during the final flowering phase. Specially, designed to push the plant to its full potential. 

BioGreen Biozym

of course, “BioGreen Biozym” is a high-quality enzyme additive. Naturally, made up of 24 main enzymatic complexes. Importantly, different coenzymes have also been carefully added. Encouraging high rates of enzymatic activity. 

Hydrostore-BioGreen Products- BioGreen MAM

Firstly, “BioGreen MAM” is a high-quality one-part fertiliser. So, containing, all the required macro and microelements. Required to maintain healthy mother plants from which cuttings are constantly taken from. Cant wait to try this on my Lemon tree cuttings.

Hydrostore-BioGreen Products-BioGreen Garlic

Consequently, “Biogreen Garlic” is obtained through a well-thought-out two-step production process. Consisting by placing fresh cut fermented garlic bulbs and ginger in tanks without oxygen. Leaving the mix for several months (polar extraction). Finally, followed by the a-polar extraction.