Decking Renewal Wedding Gift

Decking Renewal Wedding Gift

Decking Renewal Wedding Gift
New decking replacing the old decking

Decking Renewal Wedding Gift

A Decking Story: The Gift That Grew

About twenty years ago, I embarked on a little project that ended up being one of the most meaningful gifts I’ve ever given. It all started with Ryan Linton, one of my dedicated staff members, and his lovely wife, Claire. At the time, they were newlyweds, and as a gesture of appreciation (and a bit of celebration), I decided to build them a garden decking area. Now, this wasn’t just any ordinary deck—this was a labour of love.

I laid the decking myself, making sure it was just right.

Decking Renewal Wedding Gift
baby palm trees 20 years later

It had to be a space they could relax in, entertain, and enjoy their garden for years to come. As part of the design, I planted a couple of Australian cabbage palms to give the space a bit of flair and character. I thought, what could be better than something that not only looks great but also grows and thrives over the years, much like their marriage?

Fast forward to today, and that decking has seen a lot. Barbecues, family gatherings, late-night chats, and all the wear and tear that comes with two decades of British weather. To my surprise, Ryan recently decided it was time to replace the decking with some fresh new wood. The fact that it lasted as long as it did was a testament to the care they put into it, but even the best decks need a refresh after twenty years.

Decking Renewal Wedding Gift
20 year old Australian palms
Ryan’s done a fantastic job with the new decking.

He’s clearly inherited some DIY skills along the way, and the space looks as stunning as ever. What’s even more remarkable is how those Australian cabbage palms I planted all those years ago have grown. They’ve become a focal point in the garden, towering and lush, adding a real sense of life to the space.

It’s moments like this that remind me why giving someone a personal gift can mean so much. Sure, it was just a decking area at the time, but it’s grown into something far more significant—a backdrop to twenty years of memories, laughter, and love. And let’s be honest, it’s probably the best wedding present I’ve ever given!

Here’s to the next twenty years of that decking and those magnificent cabbage palms standing tall in the Linton garden.