compost heap well stacked

composting garden waste including leaves

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composting garden waste including leaves

composting garden waste including leaves

Of course, most gardeners know all about composting. From small gardens to large gardens then composting is probably one of the most common things that gardeners all over the world have in common. So, there are many ways that this can be done from home made composters to specially bought ones, they are all useful in their own ways.

In fact a pile of leaves will compost down on its own without any other help. Indeed this is what I do myself. I am fortunate to have a large garden and during autumn time(fall) collect all my leaves and place them in a pile in a sheltered spot. Of course the leaves start the rotting process immediately. At the end of winter the pile has shrunk and is well on its way to becoming healthy compost.

Local councils gave away compost bins

Composting is a natural process that converts organic materials, such as yard and kitchen waste, into a rich, soil-like substance called compost. So a few years back, this was taken up by several local councils, here in the north of England. These compost bins were large and made of black plastic. Ideal for soaking up any of the suns rays. I still have mine, but do not use it as much as I should!

The organic micro organisms, including worms do like a warm environment to carry out their work of composting. Indeed once the composting process starts you can feel the heat not far below the surface of the composting materials. Fortunate people who live in the countryside can see the same effect on a pile of cow manure. On cold days you can see the steam rising from the pile as it heats up during the composting cycle.

Naturally then compost is a great addition to gardens and can help improve soil structure, promote healthy plant growth, and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. As I have said earlier then leaves are a great addition to a compost pile. Providing a number of benefits when they break down. The rotted leaves are rich in nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and will help improve soil structure and fertility.

Here are some tips for composting leaves:

  1. Collect leaves in the autumn (fall), when they are abundant and easy to gather. Rake them into a pile or bag them up with black bin liners and store them until you are ready to compost them.
  2. Shred the leaves before adding them to the compost pile. This will help them break down faster. I use my electric lawn mower for this job but a leaf shredder is just as good.
  3. Add a mix of green and brown materials to the compost pile. Green materials are high in nitrogen and include things like kitchen scraps and grass clippings. However I find grass clippings difficult in winter as the grass is often too wet to cut. Brown materials are high in carbon and include things like leaves, twigs, and shredded newspaper. A mix of the two is ideal for composting.
  4. Keep the compost pile moist but not waterlogged. Water the pile regularly, this is highly important especially during dry spells, to keep it moist. Too much water, however, can create anaerobic conditions that can slow down the composting process. Sometimes too much water and create a horrible slimy mess and no good for the garden.
  5. Turn the compost pile regularly. This is also important and helps to aerate the pile. Thus, speeding up the composting process. You can use a pitchfork or shovel to turn the pile every week or two.
  6. The compost is ready to use when it is dark and crumbly and looks like soil. This can take anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the size of the pile and the conditions.

By following these tips, you can effectively compost your garden waste, including leaves, and create a rich, nutrient-dense soil amendment for your garden. Some people build large compost heaps from old wooden pallets and split the composting into different stages. The final stage produces the compost ready to use on the garden.

palm tree in Yorkshire

Plants can be Hardy or Not Hardy

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Plants can be Hardy or Not Hardy

As a lifelong amateur gardener, this topic, plant hardiness, has always piqued my interest. In the United Kingdom, we have a four-season climate. This means that we can grow all sorts of plants from all over the world. as long as the plants are given some sort of protection during cold spells and the short days of winter.

One guy that springs to mind is an expert at growing exotic plants in his garden here in Yorkshire UK. The guy has a great YouTube channel, called “Yorkshire Kris”. Kris grows many exotic plants here in the cold climate of the UK. Indeed this is the sort of thing that I do here in my garden in Mirfield, a small town in West Yorkshire.

So, when I first started to travel, I would be about eighteen years of age. Spain was the first country with different types of plants that inspired me to have ago at growing, later on in life. My first love was for palm trees and grape vines. Plants that are classified as hardy are generally able to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as cold temperatures or drought, and continue to grow and thrive.

Winter break in Spain

Later on in life I became a successful businessman. This prompted to buy family holiday home in Spain. Enabling me to garden in Spain as well as back home in England. Palm trees were still my favourite challenge. Were they hardy enough to grow through a cold English winter. This hardiness is typically the result of various adaptive mechanisms that the plant has developed over time through the process of natural selection.

Palm trees in Spain were originally brought in from North Africa, by the marauding moors from North Africa. Palm trees for example, have thick, waxy cuticles on their leaves that help to prevent water loss, allowing them to survive in dry conditions. Of course they thrived in the hot summers of Spain. Another common palm was the “Canary Island date palm. P. canariensis “. I did try this species in Yorkshire. However they always struggled to survive a really cold winter.

Recently though, I have seen large specimens of the Canary palms growing outdoors in Southern England. Probably a sign of “global warming”. Moving on to later in life then the Trachycarpus family of palm trees were introduced to UK gardners.

These were to be the answer to all us exotic gardeners who love to try and grow unusual plants and trees.

The Trachycarpus palm trees were a sight to behold.

Standing tall and majestic, their fronds waved gracefully in the gentle breeze. They seemed almost otherworldly, with their tall, slender trunks and delicate leaves.

But the Trachycarpus palm trees were not always so beloved. In fact, many people had once considered them to be a nuisance. They were often found growing wild and untamed, taking over gardens and lawns.

However, as time passed and people began to appreciate the beauty of these trees, they began to cultivate them more and more. And soon, the Trachycarpus palm trees could be found in gardens and parks all over the world.

People loved their tall, elegant appearance and the way they seemed to bring a sense of peace and tranquillity to any space. They became a symbol of luxury and beauty, and everyone wanted a Trachycarpus palm tree in their own gardens.

As the years went by, the Trachycarpus palm trees became more and more popular. And today, they are beloved by people all over the world, a symbol of nature’s beauty and the simple pleasures in life.

Now at the age of seventy four I am the proud owner of ten of these magnificent palm trees. They are splendid and love to grow in our UK climate. Even if the temperature drops well bellow freezing and they are covered in snow.

Deep rooted banana plants also survive the UK winter.

Other plants may have deep root systems that help them access water and nutrients from deep in the soil, allowing them to survive during times of drought or cold weather. My banana plants come to mind. These fall into the category of plants that are not hardy may be more sensitive to extreme weather conditions and may struggle to survive in certain environments. These plants may require more care and attention in order to thrive, such as regular watering and protection from extreme temperatures.

My banana patch has had different treatment of winter protection. This winter I have just left them to be frosted. The first heavy frost kills off the leaves which dye and look a mess. However I always protect the area around the roots. Giving then frost and cold protection. Usually with leaves that are collected in autumn.

The plant then generated new leaves in the the next spring when warm weather arrives. Some exotic gardeners go to great lengths to protect their bananas, but mine are about ten years old now and always grow back with extra vigour.

Overall, the hardiness of a plant depends on a variety of factors, including its native habitat, the climate in which it grows, and the adaptations it has developed over time to survive in that environment.

Yes, crossbreeding, or hybridization, can potentially create plants that are hardier than their parent plants.

Crossbreeding involves intentionally mating two plants of different varieties or species in order to produce offspring with a combination of traits from both parent plants. This process can be used to create plants with a range of desired traits, including hardiness. However this is well above my scope as a regular gardener.

By crossbreeding plants with desirable hardiness traits, breeders can create new varieties that are better suited to specific growing conditions and environments. For example, a plant breeder may crossbreed a cold-hardy plant with a heat-tolerant plant in order to create a hybrid that can survive in a wider range of temperatures.

However, it’s important to note that crossbreeding is not a guarantee of success and can be a complex and time-consuming process. It may take several generations of selective breeding to produce plants with the desired combination of traits, and there is always a risk that the resulting plants will not have the desired characteristics.

There are many examples of Plants can be Hardy or Not Hardy

and that have been created through crossbreeding in order to produce hardier varieties. Here are a few examples:

  1. Wheat: Wheat is a staple food crop that is grown around the world. In order to make it more resistant to pests and diseases, breeders have crossbred different varieties of wheat to create new, hardier strains.
  2. Roses: Many modern rose varieties have been created through crossbreeding in order to produce plants with a wide range of characteristics, including hardiness. For example, breeders have developed roses that can withstand cold temperatures, drought, and other extreme weather conditions.
  3. Citrus: Citrus trees are often crossbred to create new varieties that are more resistant to diseases and pests. For example, breeders have developed citrus trees that are resistant to citrus greening, a devastating disease that has affected citrus crops around the world.
  4. Apple: Apple trees have been crossbred for centuries to create new varieties with a range of characteristics, including hardiness. For example, breeders have developed apple trees that can withstand cold temperatures and are resistant to pests and diseases.

Overall, crossbreeding is a common practice in plant breeding and has been used to create many hardier plant varieties in a wide range of species.


Grow the Hydroponics Way: 10 Reasons

Grow the Hydroponics Way: 10 Reasons

Grow the Hydroponics Way: 10 Reasons

      10 Reasons to Grow the Hydroponics Way

      1. Faster growth: Plants grown hydroponically tend to grow faster than those grown in soil. They receive a constant supply of nutrients and water.
      2. Increased yield: Because plants grow faster and have access to a consistent supply of nutrients. They tend to produce more fruit or vegetables when grown hydroponically.
      3. No soil required: Hydroponics allows you to grow plants without the use of soil.Which can be beneficial if you have poor soil quality or limited space.
      4. Reduced pest and disease issues: hydroponics systems are closed and controlled environments. There is a reduced risk of pests and diseases compared to soil-based gardening.
      5. Water conservation: hydroponic systems are more efficient with water usage. Because the water is recirculated and not lost to evaporation or absorption into the soil.
      6. Nutrient control: In a hydroponics system, you have complete control over the nutrients. That your plants receive. allowing you to customise the nutrients for specific plants and optimise their growth.
      7. No weeding: Because hydroponics systems do not use soil, there is no need to worry about weeds.
      8. Year-round gardening: With a controlled hydroponics system, you can grow plants year-round regardless of the outdoor climate.
      9. Space-efficient: Hydroponics systems can be set up in a small space. Making them a great option for urban gardening or for those with limited outdoor space.
      10. Environmental benefits: hydroponics systems have a smaller environmental footprint. compared to traditional agriculture because they use fewer resources and produce less waste.

      Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using nutrient-rich water instead of soil.

      Lettuce: Lettuce is a great plant to start with because it grows quickly and is relatively easy to care for. You can grow lettuce in a variety of hydroponic systems. including nutrient film technique (NFT) systems and deep water culture (DWC) systems.

      It can be an efficient and sustainable way to grow a wide variety of plants. and it’s a great option for beginners because it’s relatively easy to set up and maintain. Here are a few ideas for beginners: So looking to get started with hydroponics:

      Herbs: Basil, parsley, and cilantro are all popular herbs that are easy to grow hydroponically. They can be grown in a variety of systems. Including aeroponics and drip systems.

      Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a more challenging plant to grow hydroponically. but they can be a rewarding choice for beginners who are willing to put in the extra effort. They require a lot of light and nutrients, so it’s important to choose a system that can provide these things.

      Strawberries: Strawberries are another challenging but rewarding choice for hydroponic beginners. They require a lot of light and nutrients, as well as a well-ventilated growing space.

      Salad leafs-

      Lettuce: Lettuce is a great plant to start with because it grows quickly and is relatively easy to care for. You can grow lettuce in a variety of hydroponic systems. including nutrient film technique (NFT) systems and deep water culture (DWC) systems.

      It can be an efficient and sustainable way to grow a wide variety of plants, and it’s a great option for beginners. because it’s relatively easy to set up and maintain. Here are a few ideas for beginners: Of course, looking to get started with hydroponics:

      Leafy greens: Kale, spinach, and other leafy greens are easy to grow hydroponically. So, it can be grown in a variety of systems. They are a great choice for beginners. because they are relatively hardy and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions.

      It’s important to do your research

      Choose the right plants for your hydroponic system. Make sure to consider factors like the size and type of your system. the amount of light and nutrients your plants will need, and the space and resources you have available. With proper planning and care, you can have a successful hydroponic garden in no time!

        Growing Hydroponics Refresher

        Growing Hydroponics Refresher

        Growing Hydroponics Refresher

        Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using nutrient-rich water rather than soil. This method can be used to grow a wide variety of plants, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruit. Some plants may be more difficult to grow using hydroponics than others, but in general, most plants can be grown using this method.

        It is important to consider the specific needs of each plant when setting up a hydroponics system, as different plants may have different requirements for light, temperature, and nutrients. It may also be necessary to provide additional support for some plants, such as trellising for vine plants or staking for tall plants.

        Overall, hydroponics can be a very effective method for growing a wide range of plants, with the potential for higher yields and faster growth compared to traditional soil-based growing methods

        Hydroponics systems can be used both indoors and outdoors. Indoor hydroponics systems are often used in controlled environments, such as greenhouses or grow rooms, where the temperature, light, and other growing conditions can be carefully regulated. Indoor hydroponics systems can be a good option for growing plants in areas where soil conditions are poor or where the weather is not suitable for outdoor growing.

        Outdoor hydroponics systems can also be set up in a variety of locations

        Of course, such as in a backyard, on a balcony, or in a community garden. Outdoor hydroponics systems may be more vulnerable to weather-related challenges, such as extreme temperatures or pests, but can still be a successful way to grow plants. It is important to carefully consider the location and setup of an outdoor hydroponics system to ensure that the plants receive the necessary light, nutrients, and other growing conditions.

        Overall, hydroponics systems can be used both indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the grower.

        To set up a hydroponics system, you will need some specialized equipment.

        The specific equipment needed will depend on the type of hydroponics system you are using and the plants you are growing. Some common pieces of equipment that may be needed for a hydroponics system include:

        • A container or system for holding the plants and nutrient solution. This could be a simple tray with a lid, a more complex system such as a nutrient film technique (NFT) system or a deep water culture (DWC) system, or a multi-level system such as a vertical tower.
        • Grow lights, if the system is being set up indoors or in an area with insufficient natural light.
        • A water pump to circulate the nutrient solution through the system.
        • A timer to control the watering schedule.
        • A pH meter or test kit to ensure that the nutrient solution has the correct pH level for the plants being grown.
        • Nutrient solution specifically formulated for hydroponics systems.
        • Net cups, rockwool cubes, or other materials to hold the plants in place.
        • A growing medium, such as perlite, vermiculite, or coconut coir, to help anchor the plants in place and provide some support.

        While some of these items can be purchased specifically for use in a hydroponics system, it is also possible to repurpose or modify items that you already have on hand. It’s important to learn as much as you can about the needs of the plants you’re growing and to choose equipment that fits your system.

        house hot spots

        Keep Your Growing Room Warm

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        Keep Your Growing Room Warm

        Keep Your Growing Room Warm

        So to keep in line with my last post, here are a few ideas to keep your growing room warm for your plants this winter. Many grow rooms are situated in modern homes with central heating.

        Even though this year’s autumn has been pretty mild, temperatures are starting to drop, especially at night, as winter approaches. As a result, every indoor gardener will be looking for ways to maintain grow rooms at the ideal range of 25–28°C when the lights are on and 18–21°C when they are off.

        Low grow room temperatures can harm your plants; one of the first symptoms is purpling of the stems, which is followed by sluggish or stunted development as nutrient intake and photosynthesis levels fall. Since, let’s face it, nobody wants a subpar harvest after all the hard work you’ve put in over the previous weeks, the outcome will not only be a bad final output but also a lower-than-expected level of harvest quality.

        So, the simple way would be to keep the central heating on 24/7. The problem with this is that it would probably be too warm for us humans to tolerate. Individual radiator thermostats are a great idea, as you can control each radiator. including the one in the growing room. If the radiator is set to a certain temperature, it will change how much heat it sends out to match. Don’t forget that heat is given off by your lighting and ventilation, so some sort of control will be required to maintain a certain temperature.

        Heat control can be easy to maintain, provided there are no dramatic temperature changes.

        Some methods of heat control

        By using some of these ideas, you can keep the temperature from dropping too much. thus resulting in poor-growing plants and a smaller harvest. Earlier, I mentioned the lights. Of course, this depends on what lights you are using. Older lighting systems emit a lot of heat and can drastically change the temperature. LED lights burn at much lower temperatures and are more controllable, in my opinion.

        Unfortunately, we have a large number of Victorian houses in the UK. These larger stone terraced houses are much more difficult to control, even with central heating systems. Therefore, there should be a couple more safeguards to look at.

        1. Fan speed controllers can be used to reduce the amount of air intake and extraction (making things hotter or cooler)
        2. For older properties you could add extra heating such as electric fan heater with an in built thermostat if possible.
        3. Its always a good idea to Insulate your grow room floor, wall and ceiling (there are many products on the market at good prices)
        4. In a water tank then use a water heater for large volumes of nutrient solution (dont put cold water onto your plants ! remember the 19c rule)
        5. Buy a maximum and minimum temperature gauge and regularly check the humidity readings.
        6. Dont pull in freezing air so obtain your intake air from a different room (Keeps the temperature ambient)
        7. Ensure your nutrients are stored at the correct room temperature
        8. Change round day and night by running your grow lights during the night and lights off during the day.
        9. I hope this will help new growers in particularly.
        cold weather

        Hydroponics Winter Basics

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        Hydroponics Winter Basics

        Hydroponics Winter Basics

        Winter is now upon us in the northern hemisphere. Here in West Yorkshire, we have already experienced several frosts and a snowstorm. thus making it impossible to do any outdoor gardening.

        Most plants that are hardy have already closed down for their winter break. The deciduous trees have lost their leaves, and only the conifers still have green leaves. In my case, my lemons and other citrus fruit are sitting happily in their cosy greenhouse, together with LED lighting to lengthen our dark winter days.

        So, indoor hydroponic growers can experience temperature fluctuations during very cold spells of weather. Roots are very intolerant of temperature changes. Changes in growth can make significant changes to the growth rate if the temperature is allowed to drop below 19 °C. So at this temperature, the plant’s root zone could easily be damaged. The growth begins to slow, and the outside of the root can be damaged.

        Even plants in the right zone can be harmed by the cold.

        Why do plants suffer from cold

        The causes of this are numerous and depend on the location, soil, length of the cold, and other elements. Depending on the type of plant and the aforementioned criteria, different plants respond differently to cold. The USDA’s recommendations for plant hardiness are simply that—recommendations.

        A plant’s real hardiness will vary depending on its microclimate, exposure, water and nutrient uptake, and general health. There are several reasons why cold might harm plants, but we’ll focus on the most obvious ones.
        A plant’s health and hardiness are impacted by every circumstance that it encounters.

        Plants that aren’t getting enough water may droop and even die. Negative plant health can also result from too many or too little nutrients. In a similar manner, meteorological conditions can harm a plant’s vitality. Plants are damaged by the freezing of their cells, which also obstructs the movement of water and nutrients.

        Many experts believe that the ideal root temperature is between 20 and 21 degrees Celsius. So, to enable the plants to absorb nutrients correctly, Providing a nutrient solution that is strong enough to stimulate new growth is important for the development of a healthy plant. Keeping good oxygen levels and content is imperative for good results.

        Concrete floors can be a problem

        When writing this blog,

        I was thinking primarily about temperature variations in a building with concrete floors. We all know about the cold feeling we get when we walk inside a building with a concrete floor. Particularly in the winter. So, if plants are grown under these conditions, then there is likely to be a large temperature variation. This could be overlooked when starting out your growing season in the spring.

        Even a small garage used for growing will suffer variations in temperature in the winter. As a result, many growers use some type of rubber mat to help insulate their precious crop. Personally, I would raise the plants off the floor to prevent them from getting “cold feet” and ruining the crop at a later stage.

        Cold can also affect the temperature of the water tank used to mix and provide the nutrients. Growing rooms must be well insulated so the air temperature does not change significantly in a cold spell. As I previously stated, the 19th century standard should not be compromised. Your plants will be open to attacks from many pests and diseases. The weaker your hydroponics plant is, the more likely it is to have been attacked.

        Of course, all this will lead to a poor crop and disappointment. So prepare for winter by making your plants as cosy as possible to avoid disappointment and a poor harvest. Heaters are the answer!


        Hydroponic stores are legal

        Hydroponics and the Environment

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        Hydroponics and the Environment

        Hydroponics and the Environment

        So as my readers will know, I am relatively new to hydroponic gardening. I have since learned that hydroponics has advantages over growing in soil. Plants grown using the hydroponics method will probably grow around 50% faster than their soil-grown counterparts.

        Of course, this will usually end up with better crop production. Including the extra supply of oxygen to the roots when using hydroponics as a growing medium.

        Better root systems will encourage more oxygen to enter the plants. As a result, they absorb nutrients more quickly. Because the plants are growing in water, they don’t have to spend time in the soil looking for the nutrients they require to grow correctly.

        Those nutrients are being delivered to the plant throughout the day. Finding and breaking down food requires very little energy for the hydroponic plant. The plant then uses this saved energy to grow faster and to produce more fruit.

        Less bug infestations

        Another advantage that plants have when grown using hydroponics is that they are less likely to have infestations of fungus and plant disease. Of course, this must be combined with cleanliness and general garden hygiene!

        Soil gardening, believe it or not, uses much more water than hydroponics. thus offering many benefits to the environmentally friendly Gardner. Starting with top soil erosion, it does not exist in hydroponics.

        Including the use of peat as a growing medium. Peat, as we all know, will be phased out in the near future with coco-husk taking over. Hydroponics uses a constant amount of nutrients, therefore using less water. Brown mosses, Sphagnums, sedges, and semi-aquatic plants’ skeletal remains are among the partially decomposed organic materials that make up peat moss.

        Although peatlands can be found all over the world. They are more prevalent in the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate, boreal, and subarctic regions. Here in West Yorkshire there is abundant peat ln wetlands like bogs, fens, mires, and especially on the moors, where peat builds up. Vegetation that is submerged beneath the water decomposes in anaerobic – or airless – conditions that cause the process to go slowly.

        However, Like peat moss, coconut coir has many applications. It can store a lot of water with ease. Although certain plants could prefer soil that is a little bit more acidic or a little bit more alkaline, it has a pH level of 6.0, which is near to ideal for most garden plants.

        The texture of peat moss is soft and spongy.

        It has an amazing capacity to retain moisture and air . While enabling extra water to drain without restriction. It’s often devoid of diseases and pests. And the price is reasonable.

        Peat moss has been utilised as a soil improver, in soilless mixtures, and as a seed starting medium since the 1940s. Peat is a common ingredient in triple mixes and commercial potting soil.
        It creates the ideal climate for developing robust root systems, which is why gardeners adore it.

        As much as we enjoy utilising peat moss in our gardens, doing so has a significant negative impact on the ecosystem. It belongs in the peatland, where it should remain for very good reasons.

        Another advantage is that there are fewer pests, and therefore fewer pesticides are used (once again, this must be combined with cleanliness and general garden hygiene). Hydroponics on large scales will be the norm in the future. The future is already here, looking at the size of the giant glasshouses you can see dotting Europe and North America. Global warming is expected to become the major cause of soil erosion in parts of the world. turning fertile areas into deserts.

        Glass houses the size of large towns will become the stuff of science fiction.

        Growers now have complete control over the amount of water and nutrients used for growing huge crops. Even in warmer climates such as Spain, hydroponics plays some sort of role in controlling water usage.

        The purpose of a growing medium is to aerate and support the root system of the plant and to channel the water and nutrients. It will be interesting to see how things pan out going forward. However, we have still made great strides in developing our growing methods for whatever crops we decide to grow. A Good Look at Hydroponics and the Environment by Eric Roberts

        Plant Growing on your roofs

        Plant Growing on your roofs

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        Plant Growing on your roofs

        Plant Growing on your roofs

        I must confess right now that I have never been a city dweller. Because of this, I have picked up ideas from other people who know about this subject. However, I have seen many great gardening ideas in built-up areas and city centres in many countries on my travels.

        Even in huge cities like New York then things can be seen growing from the roof tops of the lower buildings. My own capitol city of London has splendid roof gardens. Growing many things in the micro climate created by the heat and shelter coming from the many buildings.

        City dwellers dont have the space

        So, when walking through our city streets, it is easy to see that a conventional garden would be out of the question. Most people have paved over any space that they may have for parking their cars.

        Whilst many UK houses have a pitched roof, so it would not be possible for a roof garden. However, small apartment blocks do have access to a flat roof. Inner cities are full of suitable apartment blocks on which a roof garden could be growing flowers and vegetables for them.

        Canal boats can also be used to grow plants using lighter hydroponic methods. But I think that’s another story.

        Soil, of course, could be a problem! Due to the weight and accessibility on to the roof top. So why not try the hydroponics method of growing without soil. A hydroponic rooftop garden would be an excellent choice for you if you want to have a hassle free gardening experience.

        All sorts of plants can easily be grown and cared for from your balcony. We often see this in Mediterranean countries with many balconies growing wonder geranium plants and of course bougainvillea’s trailing down with their wonderful purple and red flower bracts shining in the sun.

        Tomatoes and excellent choice.

        Of course, tomatoes would be an excellent choice to grow using hydroponic methods. Along with peppers and herbs. Importantly though it is always a sensible idea to check for any weight restrictions or building regulations before going ahead with your growing plans.

        Newer buildings have special roof areas to carry extra weight. So it would be well worth checking! So, to start rooftop hydroponic gardening. Then, you should decide on what plants or herbs you want to grow and how many of each.

        In a rooftop garden, containers are where you can showcase your personal flair, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on them—although you certainly could. When selecting the size of your rooftop containers, weight and material should also be taken into consideration in addition to aesthetics.

        Weight is paramount

        Whatever plants you choose, you’ll need containers big enough for their roots! But if you’re concerned about how much weight your rooftop can sustain, the weight of the container becomes a problem. Keep in mind that when you water the plants, the pots get extra heavier. Clay, terra cotta, and cement are examples of conventional materials that can be fairly weighty.
        For a novice gardener, the soil is frequently the least interesting component, but it is the most crucial one. Healthy plants grow on good soil, which means less work for you. You will benefit from being able to bring in soil if you are growing in raised beds and containers rather than having to use what is already on the ground. The amount of soil required will vary, so do your study before planting your options.

        Remember when Plant Growing on your roofs, that weight is of the upmost importance. including calculating additional weight for when it snows or at least rains.

        Once you decide the number of plants you want to grow, you need to get plastic containers or plastic tubes to grow your vegetables or herbs. Next, you need to cut holes in them to place your potted plants properly. You can either buy seedlings from a reputable garden centre or grow your own seedlings. Perhaps on your windowsill! Once you have your seedlings, take them out of their pots and rinse the roots to remove the dirt.

        After washing them properly, you need to place your plants in some sort of growing medium, such as rockwool, vermiculite, or any other suitable growing substrate, and then feed them with a nutrient solution to make them grow.

        seed germination

        Effective Germination

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        Effective Germination

        Effective Germination

        Of course, there are two main ways of producing new plants with differing variations. We can either use seed germination or take cuttings. Taking cuttings ensures that the mother plant is correctly cloned. Importantly, though, the key part of any germination method is having the correct conditions for either propagation or germination. Of course, to produce new and healthy plants,

        The “radicle” is the first part of seed germination to develop. So, it is the embryonic root that will grow downward. This is the first thing that I can see when germinating my large avocado seeds in water. I actually grow these in a small glass of water that suspends the large seed halfway out of the top of the glass. Of course, this ensures that I can keep an eye on germination. So, the radicle is the first thing, followed by the real tap root. I then pot them up, and they turn into a nice houseplant. This is a great way to teach young people about growing things!

        Next development

        The next thing to start growing is the “hypocotyl” which is the embryonic axis that forms the seedling leaves, or “cotyledons.” In the case of my avocado, this can take a few weeks. Eventually the true leaves will appear, and the plant will grow away to reach the light source.

        Typically, all seeds will eventually burst into life when the correct conditions are met. Good germination rates can be aided with experience from the gardener. For example, many seeds are hard-coated. This protects the seeds until the correct moisture levels are met. So, the grower can help this happen by putting the seed on a damp cloth or piece of tissue paper for the night. So, one good example of this is sweet peas.

        Sweet peas must be soaked before planting in a warm seed tray with a potting mix or by using an hydroponic system.

        new root of an Avocado seed
        © Can Stock Photo / Barriolo82

        Seeds can be helped along

        Of course, in hydroponics, there are more up-to-date methods before sowing your valuable seeds. Many growers will soak hard-shelled seeds in a solution of water that includes a rooting stimulator. Such a product comes to mind as “Katana Roots.” Secondly, once the roots and sprouts appear, a specific plant food can be administered to aid instant growth. One that comes to mind is sold as “Shogun Start,” which contains very low levels of micronutrients that a young plant requires when first starting out.

        You may have learned as a child that sprouting an avocado seed is simple. Purchase an avocado, savour its lush, green flesh, and then clean the seed. The top and bottom ends of the seed should be kept in mind. Next, insert many toothpicks into the seed’s equator and set the toothpicks on a glass of water so that the seed’s bottom inch is submerged.

        You may have to be patent as rooting can sometimes take a while.

        Since the seedling will still be indoors at this point, you can plant it anytime of the year.

        Place the glass in a warm location away from direct sunshine, adding water as necessary to maintain the water level at the bottom inch of the seed. A seedling emerges after the development of its roots.

        Of course, you should germinate your seeds in a warm and moist environment where possible. Most keen growers will purchase an electric propagator. These are not all that expensive these days and will ensure a good rate of success. You will still need to soak any hard seeds overnight, though. Most seeds, however, will germinate easily if soaked between damp tissue paper before planting.

        In hydroponics many growers will use coco coir as a growing medium and rockwool cubes to plant on the germinated seeds in. These are accepted methods in many different fields of gardening these days.

        sprouting seeds for chickens

        Poultry Food from Hydroponics

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        Poultry Food from Hydroponics

        Poultry Food from Hydroponics

        So I first read about this idea in a well-known Indian hydroponics blog! As a keeper of poultry, I found the story very interesting. Firstly, I am lucky enough to have a large lawn. This, of course, is more than enough greens for my chickens. When they eat the grass and clover, I simply move the coop to a fresh, green area. I am fortunate enough to use the “Eglu” chicken coops.

        However, many chicken keepers only have the same run for their birds. So, this is soon eaten away, and the birds are usually scratching on the bare earth or any substance that the owner puts down as bedding. Of course, straw or wood chips of some sort. Poultry, like any other bird, thrives on greens of most kinds.

        Greens are organic and full of protein!

        Many poultry keepers will feed their birds green kitchen scraps, which is fine! However, it is possible to grow your chicken’s green feed hydroponically and at an inexpensive price. Feeding your chickens hydroponically grown greens will produce better quality eggs with nice, bright yellow yolks.

        Hydroponic fodder is rich in protein, beta-carotene, trace elements, and enzymes. Sprouts can be easily grown in trays. In fact, about 2 kg of seeds can produce around 10 kg of edible chicken fodder. Plastic trays are available from your local hydroponics store. These trays come in many sizes. from the normal seed tray size to large trays for holding a number of plant pots. These can be used for growing the sprouting seeds.

        chicken eating fresh greens
        © Can Stock Photo / blackboard1965

        Seeds suitable for sprouting include mung, alfalfa, and mustard. Different types of lentils and mung seeds are also good choices. The seeds are simply spread with water onto a layer of tissue paper. The seeds are then spread on top of the wet tissue and placed in a light, warm place. For continuity, this should be spread out over a period of time. A greenhouse would be a perfect growing environment. However, a window sill on a south or east window would be fine.

        These sprouting systems will be mature in a little over a week. Importantly, this is also a good winter treat for your chickens, as well as a summer supplement.

        Many plant growers and gardeners I know are also avid poultry keepers. The two go hand in hand. So it may just be worth thinking about growing some nutritious seeds hydroponically for your precious egg providers.