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Of course Potassium is the third important nutrient in my list. This element helps your precious plants to move and form sugars, starches and oils in plants. Thus increasing the plants vigour and also helping in warding off diseases. The correct dose of Potassium will also improve your plants fruit and flower quality.

Certain soils are devoid in this element. Notably, sandy types of soil. Potassium can also become deficient in soils that are over grazed and also where plants are grown in intensive cropping. A good example of this is the growing of banana plantations.

Potassium has many plant benefits

Including the regulation of opening and closing the stomata, thus regulating Co2 uptake. This of course occurs in “Photosynthesis”. I try not to be too technical potassium will trigger the activity of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

ATP is a very important source of energy stimulating chemical processes within the plant. Yet another major role of potassium is the regulation of the plants water take up. Importantly, through the plant roots and also water loss through the stomata. Potassium is also known to improve the plants drought resistance.

Many growth enzymes are also activated by Potassium.

Alg·A·Mic is a revitalising product that contains a low level of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) – making it impossible to overdose.

It can be added to every substrate during the flowering and growing period. Of course like most plant growers then nutrients could be a little difficult to understand! However most producers of the chemicals make it easy and your local Hydrostore are always there to help.


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Of course, phosphorus enables a better root and flower growth for your precious plants. Importantly, it also helps your plants cope with certain environmental stresses. Thus phosphorus is an essential part of growing heathy and vigorous plants. Starting with the roots, then Phosphorus is well associated with healthy root development. Plant stalks and stems are increased due to this element. Flower formation is well improved and increased seed production.

So, phosphorus enables your improve your plants quality. Enabling early crop maturity and a better resistance to plant diseases. Generally this element will give your plants support throughout its entire life. A good article can be seen on the “https://www.easy-grow.co.uk/diagnosing-phosphorus-imbalances-in-hydroponics/” web site.

There are a few different methods of giving your plants Phosphorous.

 So, one of the commonest is the turning of “Rock Phosphate” into “Phosphoric Acid”. This process allows your plants to take up the phosphorus into the root system. This is a good way of giving your tomato plants a good start. So, by sprinkling some Rock Phosphate into the bottom of your tomato plant pot before introducing the plant. Importantly, this will give your tomato plants root system good development and a great start in life. 

Other organic sources of Phosphate include “Bone meal”!

Bone meal will release the phosphate to the plant in three to six months’ time. Other products are available so its well worth seeing what’s available in your area.  

Of course there is a few alternatives to rock phosphate! Including “superphosphate” and as already mentioned, bone meal. So, a good deal of the world’s rock phosphate comes out of North America. After further chemical treatment it then becomes known as superphosphate. This product is soluble in water. Rock phosphate like rock potash is very slow in action and the conversion from insoluble phosphate to the soluble form is almost negligible. It does contain trace elements and a single application will remain active for some years, best applied early in the Autumn or Winter to be effective by the next Summer. 

Of course there are many products available with a higher phosphorus level from your local Hydrostore shop. Finally, this is also very important in hydroponics growing systems.

Hydroponics-Six Important Nutrients-Nitrogen

Hydroponics-Six Important Nutrients-Nitrogen

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Hydroponics-Six Important Nutrients-Nitrogen

So also known as “nitrate” because this is the form of Nitrogen that your precious plants use. Of course Nitrogen is responsible for the strong growth of the plants leaves. Importantly, it is also the reason that the leaves are green coloured. This green colouring helps with the process of Chlorophyll production.

Of course there are thousands of different types of fertilizer products to choose from! However there are two basic types of nitrogen fertilizers that we use in horticulture.

 1-Is a quick release product (Urea) 

2- Is a slow release product (methylene Urea) 

A great example of this is the quick release fertilizer used by turf growers for the making of lawns. Green lawns make a good looking lawn and the growers will use a quick release product. Naturally the fast release range of fertilizers will make the availability of nitrogen instant!

However the addition of this quick release fertilizer is only short lived. This product can easily be washed away in a heavy rainy period. On the other hand it can also burn the lawn turf if used in unregulated amounts. This is my problem, I always throw in that extra handful on to my lawn. It pays to give the recommended dose of granules and don’t overdo things. of course, I am now talking gardening in general! Hydroponics have a very set of rules governing the amounts of nutrients to be used.

So, too much a dose can make your grass grow too quick and leggy. Of course for safety it may be best to use a slow release product. This will ensure the best take up rate for your plants. Also by using the slow release then the danger of burning and speedy growth will be slower and less dramatic. So, giving a better growth experience for your plants or lawn. So this now leads me to the second of our three important nutrients phosphate.   

Of course this is also very important in hydroponics growing systems.


Growing Food

Growing Foods

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Growing Foods now better known as “nutrients”

So, the topic of “growing food” is a very complicated one. Importantly, every grower and gardener will recommend something differently to feed their beloved plants with. I must confess that I am at an age that still prefers a good quality compost made for a good manure heap!

However I am completely willing to learn as I go on. Hence, more complicated and exact plant feeding methods were developed to compliment different growing methods. When you visit a modern hydroponics store then the choice of plant growing food is mind boggling. I suspect that many of the nutrient feeds will do a similar job! So it comes down to personnel choice and perhaps recommendations from a friend or even the store manager.

As I have said we all have our favourites. For years I would use products that were recommended by the TV garden gurus. “Tomorite” made by Levingston’s springs to mind. Whatever else I tried then I always drifted back to the ever reliable tomato food “Tomorite”.

Hydronics food better known as nutrients

So, zooming forward tot the age of hydroponics then plants are fed by using the correct amount of nutrients and ventilation that is added to the plants water supply. I am trying to keep this post in simple terms! Because, I intend to go into nutrients in greater depth. Firstly as I will start using different growing methods in my own garden. Secondly this particular subject is complicated and I will have to carry out some research on my way. Probably, by investigating particular products that are used in hydroponics.

As an older guy then I am very impressed at the knowledge and enthusiasm shown by younger people. Also including many female contributors when it comes to growing when using the hydroponics method on “You-Tube”. Simple hydroponic systems are used regularly when growing simpler plants such as lettuce and popular herbs. All growing soil-less in water and added nutrients. These methods are used by the huge growers all aver the world but systems are now available to smaller growers from home thanks to the hydroponics stores now offering everything for the new gardeners who may want starter kits to grow the hydroponics method.

In my opinion then just starting with the simple lettuce will give great results and without the fear of the dreaded slugs eating your precious lettuce leaf’s.