How Deep Flow Technique (DFT) Hydroponic Systems Work |

How Deep Flow Technique (DFT)

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How Deep Flow Technique (DFT)

So, this excellent diagram shows exactly what a hydroponics system looks like. Of course this is the exact same method that I successfully grow my tomatoes and peppers in my Alton timber greenhouse. Importantly, we gardeners live busy lives! Also, many of us are all for high tech gadgets to help us through our busy working days. This in my opinion is where “hydroponics Stores” can help us.

Buying the equipment can be a bit expensive! However, there are many times when a family member asks you what you want for your birthday or perhaps a Christmas gift. So, I must confess that this is how I did it. My first purchase was for a “Water tank” and self watering system. Over the years I have always had problems with kind hearted relations promising to water your precious cucumber and tomato plants. Consequently, they are left right to the end of the week and then are drowned by your lazy or forgetful friend or relation.

As we all know this break in fluid flow can cause all sort of problems with your plants. However the purchase of the “plastic flexi water tank” and associated connections has solved this problem for me. So, before going off on holiday I just make sure my tanks is full with water and the correct amount of nutrients. My local Hydrastore gave mmw a great price with advice about the size of the plastic reservoir tank required.

The Deep Flow Technique (DFT) is similar to two other hydroponic systems, but it ultimately works in it’s own way. In this article, you’ll learn how DFT hydroponic systems grow crops.

Source: How Deep Flow Technique (DFT) Hydroponic Systems Work | AgriTechTomorrow


Growing Flowers

Growing Flowers

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Growing Flowers

Growing Flower

Of course in the general run of things then most gardeners will grow vegetables under hydroponics conditions. However this is not always so. Especially when starting off when growing young plants. As can be seen flowers can be grown under strict conditions when using hydroponics. To start with a strict control can be used to measure the correct amount of light. In other words lighting can used to lengthen the amount of daylight. So, tricking the young plants about the time of year. Importantly, this can be seen when driving passed the large growers.

Glasshouses are lit to give the flowers a full days sun light. Of course this is the reason that we can buy out of season flowers such as roses. Not too long ago then roses could only be bought when in season (summer time). Now because of hydroponics and day light extending lighting systems then roses can be bought at any time of the year.

Nutrient controls

Of course the other big advantage with hydroponics is that plants including flowers can be grown with full control of nutrients. So growing without soils enables the flower plants to draw in nutrients into there roots. At the same time the young plants are not effected by pests such as weeds disease or insects.

Hydroponics can be used by large and small growers alike. As I have siad in the past then I started out with a self watering system. Consisting of a plastic reservoirs for the water and nutrients to be added. Also there are various systems for connecting up plastic piping to you growing pots. So, the video below gives a good example of what can be done using hydroponic systems to grow flowers.

Although I do grow my own flowers, so they are mainly used as companion plants. For example, I use French marigolds to deter white fly from my tomato plants.


Growing Systems

Growing Systems

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Growing Systems

Growing Systems

Growing by using hydroponics is of course now becoming a very popular hobby. So, whether it be farming or the person that just wants to grow small plants at home using a simple hydroponics system and a small grow light. My interest is the later. Although I have a large garden then my main interest is in growing in my “Alton” timber glasshouse. Of course using hydroponics wherever possible.

I do admit that as an older person then hydroponics equipment is affordable. However once purchased the equipment can be used over and over again. Online hydroponics shops are now making equipment more affordable and within reach of many of our large towns and cities. Here in West Yorkshire “Hydrostore” keep an excellent range of hydroponic equipment an will shortly be extending their range to include normal garden tools and equipment! of course all included online.

Hydroponics are soil-less

Of course hydroponic systems are a water based growing system and is of course soil-less. Giving your plants water and nutrients that is controlled. So, my concern was always based on the fact that having a young family meant that I had to take them on holidays. Of course having to leave my garden and greenhouse with a reliable water source! Of course we all have friends and relations with good intentions! All willing to look after your beloved plants. However, most times have ended in disaster. Non gardeners dont understand your precious plants requirements. For instance many will just give the plants one good watering the day before your return from holiday. Thinking that they have done you a big favour. However we all know different. This problem was remedied by the addition to my greenhouse of an hydroponics water system. As long as you make sure that the reservoir is full to the brim then you can go on your holidays knowing that you plants will be watered when they require the water. So, for some strange reason then it is always hot and sunny when I go away on holiday!

Grow more plants

So the old method that I used to grow my tomatoes and peppers was in grow bags. I must confess that I still do like this method of growing. However it is the constant watering and feeding that can make it hard work. Miss a day on a hot day can cause the grower a huge problem. So, by using hydroponics then this problem will be eliminated! Accordingly all you must do is make sure that the reservoir tank is filled regularly.

Plants grown in hydroponic conditions do not need to spread their root systems to find and take in nutrients. Because of this we are able to fit the plants at closer spaces. So in my own particular case then I can fit in another four tomato or pepper plants.


Air flow

Air Flow

Air Flow and its importance in Hydroponics

So, I must confess that “air flow” was a thing taken for granted amongst gardeners with glass houses or polytunnels. However, it is thought that airflow is even more important in the art of hydroponic growing. Of course the larger areas are more likely to self evacuate and move the oxygen(O2) after the plants have taken in the Co2 (carbon dioxide). Amateur growers would simply open the growing area vents and doors when required.

I myself have a modern greenhouse with automatic vents. These vents are opened according to the vents releasing and changing the air. Thus, creating a proper air flow and changing the gases to suit the plants. Of course this action naturally supplies your plants with the Co2 that they require.

When visiting the large growers then you cant help notice the giant electric fans that these huge glasshouses posses. The large fans not only heat the glasshouses to extend the growing season, but create the conditions to exchange the gases that are beneficial to the plants.

Fans and filters are important in hydroponics

Because of the size restrictions used when growing plants in homes and out building. Then it is imperative to combine your system with a good air flow system using filters and fans where possible. Fans and filters are available at any good hydroponics stores including our stores in West Yorkshire.

Exchanging the Air

Strangely enough what we know as “Air Exchange” is a bit like circulation. Except but not just so. Simply put then “Air exchange” (an open ventilation system) is a means of bringing air from the outside replacing the air on the inside. So, this could be known as circulation. The air circulation replaced and exchanges the different gases and even humidity and temperature will be affected.

As I said earlier like opening the ventilators on your greenhouse on a hot sunny day. Letting out the hot humid air. Replacing it with fresh cooler air from outside. Of course it is all about growing your plants in a controlled manner.

Plants require light and water to thrive

As many of us gardeners know! Then plants require light, water and breath mainly carbon dioxide to produce and store the energy. Combined these four components have the affect of enabling the plant to store the energy produced. Serving as the main building blocks for the plants to develop and indeed grow. Plants also release energy through respiration when it is required.

So, in their growing environment this can lead to an uneven balance of gases! Given off in the leaf and air area of their environment. Add together the affects of warmth and humidity given off by the suns energy or some other light source. Of course this is where the different systems of growing comes into play. The regular greenhouse/polytunnel scenario will be ventilated by circulation controlled by doors, windows and ventilators. large commercial growers will also incorporate giant fans into their operations.

For indoor growers using special growing units, a system of fans and ventilators must be used. So, to create the correct growing balances,.

ventilation helps control diseases

Most of us gardeners know the importance of good ventilation when it comes to disease control. A poorly ventilated growing room will result in too much moisture on the leaves. Attracting the spores from dreaded diseases such as “powdery mildew”. spores from Moulds and pathogens will thrive if given the right conditions including poor ventilation and humidity. Damp leaves are an open invitation to letting in these moulds and diseases.

Experienced growers, soon learn about the art of ventilation and its importance when growing in a hot climate or a hot sunny spell. Since my first ever greenhouse many years ago then ventilators were an optional extra. Bringing it up to 2018 when I bought my last greenhouse then it came with no fewer than 6 separate ventilators. How times have changed!


Growing Food

Growing Foods

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Growing Foods now better known as “nutrients”

So, the topic of “growing food” is a very complicated one. Importantly, every grower and gardener will recommend something differently to feed their beloved plants with. I must confess that I am at an age that still prefers a good quality compost made for a good manure heap!

However I am completely willing to learn as I go on. Hence, more complicated and exact plant feeding methods were developed to compliment different growing methods. When you visit a modern hydroponics store then the choice of plant growing food is mind boggling. I suspect that many of the nutrient feeds will do a similar job! So it comes down to personnel choice and perhaps recommendations from a friend or even the store manager.

As I have said we all have our favourites. For years I would use products that were recommended by the TV garden gurus. “Tomorite” made by Levingston’s springs to mind. Whatever else I tried then I always drifted back to the ever reliable tomato food “Tomorite”.

Hydronics food better known as nutrients

So, zooming forward tot the age of hydroponics then plants are fed by using the correct amount of nutrients and ventilation that is added to the plants water supply. I am trying to keep this post in simple terms! Because, I intend to go into nutrients in greater depth. Firstly as I will start using different growing methods in my own garden. Secondly this particular subject is complicated and I will have to carry out some research on my way. Probably, by investigating particular products that are used in hydroponics.

As an older guy then I am very impressed at the knowledge and enthusiasm shown by younger people. Also including many female contributors when it comes to growing when using the hydroponics method on “You-Tube”. Simple hydroponic systems are used regularly when growing simpler plants such as lettuce and popular herbs. All growing soil-less in water and added nutrients. These methods are used by the huge growers all aver the world but systems are now available to smaller growers from home thanks to the hydroponics stores now offering everything for the new gardeners who may want starter kits to grow the hydroponics method.

In my opinion then just starting with the simple lettuce will give great results and without the fear of the dreaded slugs eating your precious lettuce leaf’s.